Dowiedz się jak twoja przerwa z KitKat wspiera zmiany

The KitKat brand's mission is to support cocoa farming families and have a positive impact on their local environment. This is supported by: the Income Growth Program.

Jeśli chodzi o kakao, każdy potrzebuje przerwy
See that KitKat you’re munching on? This is part of an innovative income accelerator program that takes a unique, family-centric approach to help deliver real and lasting impact to cocoa-growing families. This innovative program empowers women by rewarding families for taking positive action, such as starting businesses and diversifying their income sources.
We strongly believe that women are agents of change. By enabling them to earn additional income and play an active role in family finances, we aim to encourage gender equality and ultimately build more resilient households.
How do we do it?
We encourage women to:
- Join specific associations like Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLA). Associations like these are mostly run and organized by women in the community, for women in the community. They help empower women through financial inclusion and literacy.
- Take important trainings, such as Income-Generating Activities (IGA) trainings. These programs often provide women with access to basic financial services—such as cash deposits and loans—that help the entire family.
- Participate in gender-specific training courses – officially known as the Gender Action Learning at Scale (GALS) – which encourage husbands and wives to reflect together on their roles, responsibilities and decision-making in the household.
Engaging in a range of practices, including those defined above, encourages families to earn up to €500 per year for the first two years, then €250 per year thereafter.
How do we pay these incentives? We give half of the incentive directly to the female head of household through mobile phone payments. Recent reports show that the money provided through the income accelerator program is often reinvested where it matters: in income-generating activities, education, and healthcare.

More Power to Women
More Power to Women
This program is not just about improving the quality of cocoa farming - we are also looking to develop communities. It is common knowledge that women play a very important role in communities.
In cocoa farming communities, the trend is still for women to be completely dependent on their husbands. This is unfortunately part of a larger inequality. If women had more influence over decisions and the support of their families, through additional income, it would have a positive impact on their households.

Breaks For Good helps support 10,000 cocoa farming families in Ivory Coast. We also help women in these communities have more opportunities to succeed.
Our holistic approach is based on two pillars: equal distribution of resources among heads of all households and providing access to training on gender equality and income diversification. We know these are a lot of big words.

More Power to Women
Podział dochodów 50/50
To support women’s financial independence, our initiative’s programs are split 50/50 between both heads of households, with the woman’s share being sent directly to her via secure mobile transfer.

Our goals? Promoting gender equality and sharing responsibilities to benefit entire families.

More Power to Women
Szkolenia i dywersyfikacja dochodów
We train women to start their own businesses or other activities that can bring additional income to the family. These initiatives include beekeeping, animal husbandry, and selling vegetables from their own gardens.
The income-building program then distributes $100 “incentives” to get started on a business idea. These funds are also delivered directly to the women.
Gender equality is not just about women. In line with the methodology of the Equality Action System, we train both women and men to work together for the common good. A woman can work on a farm. A man can help with household chores. Only together can they ensure that their children are safe, loved and have access to education.

We also help form community savings and lending organizations. Self-managed and self-funded, these women's initiatives encourage money saving and provide small loans to small businesses. This allows women to make a real difference.
We keep our fingers crossed for new opportunities!

Helping Kids inTo School
Pomaganie dzieciom w rozpoczęciu edukacji
You're here because you scanned the unique QR code on your KitKat®! Well, we're glad you did, because now we can tell you all about the good things your break helps do!
See that KitKat® you're munching on?
This is part of an innovative program that increases the income of cocoa farming families in Côte d'Ivoire and supports their children in their education. The income accelerator program takes a unique, family-centered approach, with the ambition to deliver a real and lasting impact on the lives and futures of cocoa farming families by rewarding them for implementing positive practices.

Helping Kids inTo School
Wszyscy rodzice mają nadzieję na lepszą przyszłość dla swoich dzieci, która ostatecznie zaczyna się od edukacji.
All parents hope for a better future for their children, which ultimately starts with education. We want to support children of cocoa farming families in their schooling or, in some cases, just starting out.
We have learned a lot from the Nestlé® Cocoa Plan, which has helped protect 156,974 children from the risk of child labour since 2012 by raising awareness and helping them and their families when they encounter problems. The income accelerator programme now goes even further by encouraging families to enrol their children in school, ensuring that education costs such as uniforms and supplies are no longer a major obstacle to children’s education.

Under the accelerator program, cocoa farming families can earn up to 100 euros to send their children to school. 50% of this amount is paid up front, after parents commit to enrolling their children. The remaining 50% is paid after they confirm that their children are attending school regularly.
That's it. And the best part is that we pay this incentive directly to the cocoa farming families, through mobile phone payments. It's simple, transparent and fast. We also support the children by making sure they have what they need at school, for example by providing school kits with stationery, pencils and books, and subsidies for the school canteen.
By encouraging school attendance, we want to help many more children get into education. You could say that we are not only trying to make the world sweeter, but also helping to make it brighter.

Helping Kids inTo School
Zachęcając do uczęszczania do szkoły, chcemy pomóc znacznie większej liczbie dzieci w rozpoczęciu edukacji.
So far, the program has been implemented in 10,000 cocoa farming families (and counting) in Côte d'Ivoire. But that's not all!
This is a step on the journey with the ambition to further expand the reach of the programme, first by expanding our reach in Côte d’Ivoire and entering Ghana, and then aiming to reach 160,000 cocoa farming families in our supply chain by 2030.

More Money for Cocoa Farming Families
Zachęcanie do zmian
You’re here because you scanned the unique QR code on your KitKat®. Well, we’re glad you did, because now we can tell you all about the good things your break helps do!
See that KitKat® you’re munching on? It’s part of an innovative program that’s boosting the incomes of cocoa-growing families in Côte d’Ivoire.
The Income Accelerator Programme takes a unique, family-centred approach with the ambition to deliver real and long-lasting impact on the lives and futures of cocoa farming families by rewarding them for implementing positive practices.

More Money for Cocoa Farming Families
Ztery Palce
Like the four fingers of KitKat®, we have four pillars that animate this program. These pillars are based on four positive actions that we encourage cocoa farming families to take. If all are achieved, cocoa farming families can earn up to 500 euros of additional income per year in the first two years:

1. Helping your children aged 6 to 16 learn.

2. Improving the way farming is carried out, for example by pruning trees effectively to increase crop productivity.

3. Planting forest and fruit trees on cocoa plantations. This provides much-needed shade for cocoa, helping to resist the impacts of climate change and supporting biodiversity, and potentially increasing farmer incomes.

4. Empowering women to start businesses and diversify their income sources.
Let’s break it down. Cocoa farming families can earn €100 for each target they achieve, plus another €100 bonus for achieving all four targets. Not only that, but these incentives in the income accelerator program are in addition to the support already provided to farmers for Rainforest Alliance certified cocoa through the Nestlé® Cocoa Plan.

More Money for Cocoa Farming Families
W jaki dokładnie sposób wypłacane są te zachęty?
But wait, we know what you’re thinking. How exactly are these incentives paid out? The answer lies squarely in the hands of cocoa farming families. In fact, we strap it down to each head of the household. We offer mobile payments, making everything simple and transparent. What’s more, these incentives are independent of farm size, so even those with the smallest farms can receive the incentives, ensuring that no farmer is left behind.
By offering immediate financial benefits through these incentives, our ambition is to create an environment that empowers cocoa farming families to build a better life for themselves and future generations. You could say that we are not only trying to make the world sweeter, but also to help make it brighter.
To date, the program has been implemented in 10,000 cocoa farming families (and counting) in Côte d’Ivoire. But that’s not all! This is a step on the path with the ambition to further expand the reach of the program. First by expanding our reach in Côte d’Ivoire and entering Ghana, and then aiming to reach 160,000 cocoa farming families in our supply chain by 2030.

More Trees Planted
W grupie raźniej – również kakaowcom!
You're here because you scanned the unique QR code on the KitKat® packaging. And that's a good thing, because it lets us tell you how much good your break did!
This KitKat® you are enjoying is more than just a treat for the palate. It is part of an innovative program that provides cocoa farming families in Côte d'Ivoire with, among other things, forest and fruit tree seedlings that they can plant on their own crops. By rewarding good agricultural practices, we not only increase the income of our farmers, but also help the local environment.

More Trees Planted
Zanim omówimy korzenie...
Before we discuss the roots of the income growth program, let’s take a look at our achievements to date. In 2022 alone, the Nestlé Cocoa Plan has distributed over one million fruit and forest trees. That’s a one with six zeros!
The seedlings went straight to our Ivory Coast cocoa farmers who work with us. We wanted to continue this work as part of our income growth program and plant even more trees.

Why is this so important? you ask.
Well, because the planted fruit and forest trees provide much-needed shade for cocoa trees and reduce the effects of climate change. What's more, planting different species increases the biodiversity of the region, improves soil quality and supports the local ecosystem. It's perfect company for cocoa trees.

So how does this work under the income growth program?
We encourage farmers to plant at least 10 trees per hectare in their first year. The process is as easy as taking a break from our bar. We deliver the trees to the cocoa farm, and once they’re planted, we pay the premium directly to the family via a bank transfer to their phone.
What's more, the premium amount is not dependent on the size of the crop, so even the smallest agricultural producers are not left behind. However, our involvement does not end with the plantings. With the help of our partners, we look after the seedlings and make sure they develop properly.

More Trees Planted
Ile dodatkowych drzew zasadzono dzięki programowi wzrostu dochodów?
In the first year we planned to plant 100,000 trees, but we have already planted more than twice that number.
We want this number to continue to grow – just like our trees – and next year we intend to plant another 300,000. We believe that the more forest and fruit trees are planted, the better the future for farmers and their families – and, of course, for cocoa farming.
So far, 10,000 Ivorian farming families have participated in the program, and the number is growing. But that's not all! This is just the first step on the path to even more ambitious goals for the program. First, we want to expand it in Ivory Coast, and then implement it in Ghana, with the aim of reaching 160,000 families in our supply chain by 2030.
*Did you know that tree planting is just one of the pillars of our innovative program?

Sustainably Sourced Cocoa
Nadszedł czas, aby uchylić rąbka tajemnicy...
It's time to let you in on the secret: cocoa pods are quite the multitasker! Contrary to what you might think, cocoa pods aren't just a one-stop shop for chocolate. They're transformed into several delicious ingredients that play an important role in your chocolate bar. They're the source of cocoa butter, cocoa powder, cocoa nibs, and cocoa mass

The cocoa bean shell will be removed..

The seeds are roasted and ground to form a pulp that will become the base for the chocolate.

The remaining mass is pressed through special filters under high pressure to separate the cocoa butter from the remaining parts.

Cocoa butter is used in chocolate to give it the smooth texture we all love.

Step 5
The remaining parts of the mass are used to make cocoa powder, which gives the chocolate a deep flavour.

Sustainably Sourced Cocoa
Nasze ambicje związane z pozyskiwaniem kakao w sposób zrównoważony
Our story begins with sustainably sourced cocoa, the tastiest ingredient in our KitKat® bars. But wait, what does that really mean? Let’s take it from the moment a cocoa pod starts growing on a tree to the last bite of a chocolate treat.
Since the launch of the Nestlé® Cocoa Plan in 2009, we have been working with cocoa farming families to implement practices that improve livelihoods in cocoa-growing communities. This includes practices such as helping cocoa farmers improve yields and quality through training and resources, and helping communities develop by empowering women and promoting greater access to education. KitKat® was the first global brand in Nestlé to source all of its cocoa from the Nestlé® Cocoa Plan, including from certified farms.* This was the first step that paved the way for our sustainable cocoa supply chain. But before we get into the details, let’s focus on the cocoa pod.
All parents hope for a better future for their children, which ultimately starts with education. We want to support children of cocoa farming families to study in school or, in some cases, just to start. We have learned a lot from the Nestlé® Cocoa Plan, which has helped protect 156,974 children from the risk of child labour since 2012, raising awareness and helping them and their families when they encounter problems. The income accelerator programme now goes even further by encouraging families to enrol their children in school, ensuring that education costs such as uniforms and supplies are no longer a major obstacle to children’s education.
* Cocoa sourced under the Nestlé Cocoa Plan includes volumes of Rainforest Alliance certified cocoa and a verified Nestlé Cocoa Plan mass balance. Mass balance means that we have purchased a volume of certified cocoa equivalent to the volume used in the product.

Sustainably Sourced Cocoa
Ale co to ma wspólnego ze zrównoważonym kakao?
I’m glad you asked, time to get into the details. Since 2009, we’ve done a lot with the Nestlé® Cocoa Plan and of course we’ve learned a lot. This solid foundation has allowed us to launch an innovative income accelerator program, with the ambition to improve the lives of cocoa farming families. The program rewards cocoa farming families not only for the quantity and quality of cocoa beans, but also for practices that can benefit the environment and the local community. To date, the program has been implemented in 10,000 cocoa farming families (and counting) in Côte d’Ivoire. But that’s not all! This is a step on the path with the ambition to further expand the program’s reach. First, by expanding our reach in Côte d’Ivoire and entering Ghana, and then aiming to reach 160,000 cocoa farming families in our supply chain by 2030.

The cocoa mass we use in our KitKat "Breaks For Good" bars comes from an income accelerator program and can be traced from a group of farmers to our KitKat®® factories in Hamburg and Sofia.
What does this mean?
This is the exciting part. One way to think about it is that the cocoa beans from the program are isolated from other beans to ensure full segregation. It's like they're traveling with a kind of virtual passport that's stamped at every step of the cocoa journey. That way, we know that the cocoa mass in a KitKat bar comes from this innovative program and we can assure you that it's been sustainably sourced, including Rainforest Alliance certification. This is the first step toward full segregation of our cocoa ingredients as we continue to work with our suppliers to increase segregated volumes and expand our revenue accelerator program.
Can a picture say a thousand words? This will help explain:

Rainforest grains mixed with conventional grains

Grains coming exclusively from the program



Cocoa butter


Mixed with milk and sugar

Wsparcie kobiet
We help women gain greater influence over their incomes, families and communities. In doing so, we address gender equality in Côte d'Ivoire.